Welcome to my on demand platform where I will be adding new content each week. Simply click on your video of choice and purchase!
The top three videos are educational webinars lasting roughly 2 hours and will be available to you for 72 hours. These have been designed with a specific area or set of injuries in mind and allows post graduate fitness professionals and Pilates instructors to really understand a range of injuries and learn what they should and shouldn't do with particular populations. These are prerecorded with participants asking questions throughout. If however you would like a more interactive way of learning, check out my upcoming live workshops.
Each dynamic mat Pilates class was recorded during lockdown 1.0 and is now available for you to hire for 24 hours and train with me at a time of your choosing in the comfort of your own home. If you would prefer to train with me live and receive individual corrections, please book onto a LIVE class by purchasing a single class or package. I can't wait to train with you.

"I have just finished watching the knee webinar, WOW! Looking forward to watching the others."
Becky, Knee Webinar.